Wednesday, April 10, 2013

through the looking-glass

photo by K. Kwe
someone read me cards.  i have always been half afraid of taking a peep into the future, like a cheat.  in the same way i try to never spoil a movie or a book or a story, even if told in midst of a conversing circle, how things will inevitably turn out in the end.  in the same way when i travel, with a luggage or a backpack, or when i run to get to know a new city, or new corners in the old city, it is always without definites in mind.  we all know astrology, sure.  and there are always the horoscopes in a page of any newspaper sold around the corner, sometimes even left on the doorstep, if not the yard.  no matter of great genius there, to connect cause with consequence, and to plot possibilities given the circumstances.  what is young will grow old, what is borne will die, and good times can turn bad, and bad, into better.  one can say it is all inevitable.  and yet.  these all do not stop us from loving and from growing children, from caring dogs, from planting perennials.  from collecting memories as if they were dimes, pennies along the pavement found in secret by little children on way to the market or the grocer, holding mommy's hand while crossing the street.  with a happy thought.  who knows, by chance, something pretty and special might just be there.  and we've got a few pennies in hand.

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